Semaine 41.14 Myriam Mihindou

Myriam Mihindou, Image et mystère
Chapelle de la Visitation, Espace d’art contemporain, Thonon-les-Bains

This fall the Chapelle de la Visitation dedicates its second exhibition of the 2014-2015 season to Myriam Mihindou, as part of its program on the “Question of the model.” Myriam Mihindou, who is of Gabonese ancestry, was born in Libreville in 1964, and has lived in France for the last ten years. She does extremely profound work which interrogates the status of the image and the question of the being, between forces of tradition and the contemporary world. In her work the body is the vector of all sorts of feelings from the living memory of a culture that is based on codes, taboos, beliefs and other rituals. This exhibition is also the first to be held at the Chapelle de la Visitation, which is almost entirely devoted to photography. As it is closely related to the idea of painting and/or sculpture, Mihindou’s work corresponds to a production that a contemporary art critic would willingly qualify as being that of an “artist.

Semaine n°370, revue hebdomadaire pour l’art contemporain
Authors : Philippe Piguet
Published on Friday 10.10.2014

Paper edition, 16 pages OrDER
Numeric edition, Calaméo file, 16 pages, 1€ OrDER
Also available in Semaine volume XV, January 2015, 18€

Category: Semaine
