Semaine 24.14

L’herbier : marcher, classer, nommer le paysage, Écomusée de l’Avesnois,
Fourmies cent lieux d’art2, Solre-le-Château

From March 8 to August 31, 2014, the Avesnes ecomuseum presents L’herbier: marcher, classer, nommer le paysage [The herbarium: walking, classifying and naming landscapes] at the MDB-maison du bocage, thus following through its exploration of the theme of landscapes as products of man’s work. Building on the resources of historical
herbariums, the exhibition brings together the artists herman de vries, Frédéric Fourdinier, Sébastien Gouju, Richard Long, Aurélie Mourier and Mira Sanders, in
a confrontation between contemporary artwork and heritage objects. To ensure programming consistency in the region, cent lieux d’art2 joins forces with the Avesnes
ecomuseum in addressing the landscape theme with a parallel exhibition. From April 18 to September 28, 2014, Frédéric Fourdinier is thus presenting a specific installation at the Vitrine Paulin, in Solre-le-Château.

Semaine n°366, revue hebdomadaire pour l’art contemporain
Author : Alice Cornier
Published on friday 13.06.2014

Paper edition, 16 pages ORDER
Numeric edition, file Calaméo, 16 pages, 1€ ORDER
Also available in Semaine volume XV, September 2014, 18€

Category: Semaine weekly paper edition
