Semaine 17.14

Figure(s) & paysage(s)
Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Morbihan

Like the exhibitions Paysage(s), in autumn 2012, and De la peinture, dans tous ses sens… et à tous les étages!, in spring 2013, this exhibition is in no way a thematic one. I was keen, above all, to bring together artists and works whose questioning, through many different media, seems to me capable of encountering the life and forms of a place, if only for a moment. This line of thinking about figure and landscape started with the work of Tal Coat. An opportunity to further develop an interest in the story of this couple about whom Pierre Wat aptly talks in the essay accompanying this publication. A complex tale of fusion, emancipation, separation, and reunions…
Olivier Delavallade

Semaine n°363, revue hebdomadaire pour l’art contemporain
Author : Pierre Wat
Published on friday 25.04.2014

Paper edition, 16 pages ORDER
Numeric edition, file Calaméo, 16 pages, 1€ ORDER
Also available in Semaine volume XIV, april 2014, 18€

Category: Semaine weekly paper edition
