Artiste : Gaube Marie Anita


Semaine 28.16

Marie Anita Gaube, Out of Place
Esox Lucius, Château de Grandvaux, Varennes sous Dun

Placed on the desk of Patrice Ferrari in Esox Lucius office, the card advertising Marie-Anita Gaube’s first exhibition appeared totally clear: exhibit her work. The current exhibition focuses on an ensemble of six paintings, each of which considers, in its own way, a new relation to the subjects. The image, due to its format and its visual presence, must be seen. The call is unique, it is an invitation: we thus open up the painting, we search, we wander. The indefinite which sometimes characterized the portrayal has disappeared. The elements are placed there, before our eyes, we can almost touch them. But we do not fully understand the sense and direction. Our gaze is drawn into continually renewed spaces. It is in this frequently contrasting closeness of “situations” that moments of waiting, escape and the unknown occur. The stakes are double: take the spectator, submit him to the landscape and make sensitive and aesthetic experiences coincide.

Semaine n°405, revue hebdomadaire pour l’art contemporain
Author : Marion Delage de Luget
Published on Friday 15.07.2016

Paper edition, 16 pages, 4 € ORDER
Also available in digital edition, 1,99 € oRDER
and in Semaine volume XX, September-December 2016, 18€.